Measles Immunity Test (IgG)
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About Our Measles Immunity Test (IgG)
Measles Immunity Test
Our measles immunity test confirms whether or not an individual has been vaccinated against the rubeola virus, which causes measles. The test is performed with a small amount of blood. The blood is drawn and then tested for the presence of antibodies to the virus.
If antibodies are present, then the tester has protection against the measles virus. If antibodies are not present, then the tester has no protection against the virus.
Measles Symptoms
Measles symptoms include:
- Fever
- Cough
- Sore throat
- Runny nose
- Inflamed/Red eyes
- Koplik's spots - small white spots that appear on the inside of the mouth
- Blotchy skin rash
How is Measles Spread?
Measles can be spread through contact, but it is also an airborne virus and can remain in the air for up to two hours after an infected person has left the area. That is why it's so important to ensure that you're protected against this deadly disease.
Measles typically incubates in the body for 10 - 15 days, during which it displays little-to-no symptoms. It is contagious from 4 days before the rash appears til 4 days after the rash is gone. During this time period, it is recommended that the person with measles be be kept out of public spaces.
Should I get this test?
You should get this test if you're unsure about whether or not you're protected against the measles virus. The virus has been reappearing across the nation leading to a series of deaths. If you're at all concerned, get tested.